Textbook of Microbiology & Immunology
- 2nd ed.
- New Dehli : Elsevier Health Sciences APAC, 2014.
- 682 p.: ill. 27 cm.
cover -- Front matter -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Preface to the Second Edition -- Preface to the First Edition -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Chapter 1-History of Microbiology -- Introduction -- Historical Background -- Microorganisms as a Cause of Disease -- Antony van Leeuwenhoek: The Microscopist -- Theory of Spontaneous Generation -- Louis Pasteur: Father of Microbiology -- Germ theory of disease -- Pasteurization -- Vaccination -- Control of silkworm disease -- Joseph Lister: The Pioneer of Antiseptics -- Robert Koch: The Founder of Koch's Postulates -- Koch's postulates. Solid medium for culture of bacteria -- Koch's phenomenon -- Self-Experimentation Studies -- Study of Viruses -- d'Herelle and Twort: Founders of the Principles of Modern Virology -- Phenomenon of Immunity -- Mechanisms of Immunity -- Specificity of the Antibody Molecule -- Chemotherapeutic Agents -- Antibiotics -- Chapter 2-Morphology and Physiology of Bacteria -- Introduction -- Size of Bacteria -- Microscopy -- Types of Microscopy -- Light microscopy -- Fluorescence microscopy -- Electron microscopy -- Newer microscopic methods -- Study of Bacteria -- Staining Methods -- Simple stains. Negative staining -- Impregnation stains -- Differential stains -- Shape of Bacteria -- Structure and Functions of Bacterial Cell Envelope -- Cell Wall -- Gram-positive cell wall -- Gram-negative cell wall -- Periplasmic space -- Cell wall of acid-fast bacilli -- Atypical forms of bacteria -- Demonstration of cell wall -- Cell Membrane -- Cytoplasm -- Nucleus -- Capsule and Slime Layer -- Capsule -- Demonstration of capsule -- Slime layer -- Surface Appendages -- Flagella -- Pili (fimbriae) -- Sporulation -- Spores -- Growth and Multiplication of Bacteria -- Generation Time -- Bacterial Count. Bacterial Growth Curve -- Factors Affecting Growth of Bacteria -- Oxygen -- Carbon dioxide -- Temperature -- pH -- Light -- Osmotic pressure -- Bacterial Nutrition -- Chapter 3-Sterilization and Disinfection -- Introduction -- Definition of Frequently Used Terms -- Sterilization -- Physical Methods of Sterilization -- Sunlight -- Heat -- Sterilization by moist heat -- Sterilization by dry heat -- Filtration -- Radiations -- Sound (sonic) waves -- Chemical Methods of Sterilization -- Disinfection -- Properties of Ideal Disinfectant -- Action of Disinfectants. Factors Influencing Activity of Disinfectants -- Types of Disinfectants -- Phenolic compounds -- Halogens -- Alcohols -- Aldehydes -- Gases -- Surface active agents -- Oxidizing agents -- Dyes -- Heavy metals -- Chapter 4-Culture Media -- Introduction -- Ingredients of Culture Media -- Agar Agar or Agar -- Peptone -- Other Ingredients -- Types of Culture Media -- Liquid Media, Semisolid Media, and Solid Media -- Liquid media -- Solid media -- Semisolid media -- Simple, Complex, Defined, and Special Media -- Simple media -- Complex media -- Defined media -- Special media. Chapter 5-Culture Methods.
The second edition of the Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology provides a fully updated text on various aspects of microbiology and infectious diseases, which makes it the most authoritative and informative text in medical microbiology. It is a must have book for preparing MBBS examination as well as for preparing PG entrance test. Clear, succinct, and comprehensive information on various aspects of microbiology and immunology. Thoroughly revised information. Key Points highlighting the need to know aspects of the discussed topics. Tables and figures f.